Digital Imaging

"Liberation by Design"

Archive for Toys


You will be creating your own paper cars.These cars will be your own original design. The keyword is ORIGINAL. Do NOT just copy and paste and raise your hand …”Mr I’m finished”. I want you to design and lay it out yourself. There is a big difference between using an idea for inspiration and flat out plagiarism. If you are unsure ask! or you could be setting yourself up to fail, Literally….I will give you a zero! Check out some cool examples below for inspiration………

Here’s some sites to get more template ideas…..


These toys are made from TEMPLATES created by artists. We will be creating paper toys by HeadCase and later designing your own paper dream rides. These toys were originally made using vinyl but were expensive to produce. Money can not stop creativity. These paper toys are cheap but very cool. Check out the Video below with some cool toys.